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attendance book 簽到簿。

attendance officer

Three cases involved employers faxing notices to business partners notifying them of the resignations of employees , with the ex - employees id card numbers in the notices . in four other cases , companies sent letters to customers with the customers id card numbers printed on the envelopes or visible through the windows of the envelopes . in one case , an employer unnecessarily disclosed employees id card numbers in correspondence with a sub - contractor . in another case , an educational institution openly displayed the id card numbers of course attendees in an attendance book 三宗個案涉及雇主在傳真給商業伴的雇員離職通知書中,列出前雇員的身份證號碼;在另外四宗個案中,有關公司在發信給顧客時,將顧客的身份證號碼印在信封面上,或是可透過信封的紙窗看見顧客的身份證號碼;在另一宗個案中,雇主在與承辦商通訊時,不必要地披露了雇員的身份證號碼;另一宗個案則是一間教育機構在課程出席冊上公開展示了參加課程人士的身份證號碼。

A former supervisor of a security company was sentenced to 150 hours of community service for deceiving wages totalling 4 , 997 by instructing his subordinates to sign on the attendance book purportedly to show that he was on duty . the defendant was also ordered to pay 4 , 997 in restitution 一名保安公司前主任,指示下屬于值勤冊上簽署以顯示他曾當值,藉此騙取公司共四千九百九十七元,被判須履行一百五十小時社會服務,并須向公司歸還四千九百九十七元。

A former butcher of the then urban services department was sentenced to 200 hours of community service and fined 10 , 000 for making false entries in a government attendance book to cover up his absenc 一名前市政總署牲口屠宰員因在政府簽到簿上虛構值勤記錄,隱瞞多次缺勤,被判須履行二百小時社會服務及罰款一萬元。